Figure this could be a fun topic! Who’s your favorite Killer, either to play as or play against? Bonus points, share your build!

For me, my favorite still has to be Singularity to play as, its ability is super flexible, with applications in cross-map info and chases. Plus its voice lines do a great job of showcasing both cold calculation and absolute disdain. I run a pretty basic build, Nowhere to Hide, No One Escapes Death, Fearmonger and either Thrilling Tremors or BBQ and Chili, haven’t settled on which I like better. My favorite add-ons are the blindness within biopod one, and the one that makes survivors scream when they cleanse slipstream. (Funniest perk combo: the purple that makes the first EMPs take longer and everyone starts streamed, + the one that streamed survivors hear the terror radius constantly. Psychological warfare from the jump!).

To play against… I think I have to say Ghostface. He turns the game on its head by never having a terror radius, so you really gotta look around all the time to keep an eye out, and the paranoia that brings is very thrilling.

    1 year ago

    I’m a pig main, (nerf plz). I’ve been playing pig for a while and playing poorly. Until I saw Scorpionz pig build, that’s the build I always use.

    I like playing against non meta killers, I get tired of blights and nurses over and over again.

    • chemslayerOP
      1 year ago

      Probably just my MMR (I’m fairly new), but I barely ever see Blights. So many Weskers, and Plagues 🤢

    1 year ago

    I’m fairly new, so mostly free killers for me, but if you couldnt guess from my username Huntress is my first love killerwise. I tend to run her with Bitter Murmurs, Huntress Lullaby, Fearmonger, and spies from the shadows, but I’ve been experimenting with the perks I just unlocked with event buys.

    My new killers are Artist, Hag, and Dredge, out of which I think Artist is my favorite. Her perks are amazing, so I tend to run Grim Embrace, Pain Res, Spies from the Shadows, and Agitation. I tend to swap Agitation for whatever perk im experimenting with though. Hag I like Third Seal, Pentimento, Hex Ruin, and Agitation again, but I’m still figuring out the cute swamp Lady.

    Aside from those I still run Billy and Trapper a bunch. Getting a good game with trapper makes you feel like a genius. For him I dont like to be a basement trapper so much so I run Unnerving Presence, Agitation, Huntress Lullaby, and Brutal Strength. Billy I need to rework my build now that I have better perks, but usually for him I run Tinkerer, Enduring,

    • chemslayerOP
      1 year ago

      Interesting, I haven’t tried any of those killers (except for Billy, who I played just a little bit before I settled in Wraith as my Free Killer main). What do you love about huntress and/or artist specifically that draws you to them?

        1 year ago

        For Huntress she was the first killer I tried, and while her kit is very simple its powerful and incredibly satisfying to use. She’s doesn’t require a crazy build to work, and if I load in to a.match I can be assured that regardless what the opponents brought, I can win if I hit my hatchets and play smart.

        Artist is in much the same boat, but also she was my top result when I did Otz’s killer quiz. Her power lets her scout the map and get some sweet snipes. She also has such a cool design with her look and sounds. I like that planning ahead and patience rewards hits with them as well. Thats part of why I picked up Hag as well, I like to plan out an attack on a survivor and be rewarded when a trap or trick goes off without a hitch.