I’ve avoided trying to rely on mutual aid as I know there’s countless others out there who need it more than I do. But my bills are starting to overwhelm me and I feel like I can barely afford to live. I live alone and a roommate is not a feasible option as I do not have enough space for them, and I can’t find a bigger apartment because I’m not renting. I managed to use my credit while it was still good to buy a house (putting myself into massive debt for a house barely over 500 sq feet) but hey, I don’t have a land bastard, and the more time that passes, the more relatively affordable it should be compared to renting.

But for now I’m a broke bitch who’s barely scraping by and in need of assistance. I’m starting to be forced to make late payments, which means MORE payments and I feel like if I don’t get a handle on it soon, it’s going to spiral out of control. Any assistance would be appreciated until I can figure out a better long term solution.

Cashapp is $SpicySerenade

Update: I’ve managed to pull some financial witchcraft so my bills are a little lessened and I won’t bleed out financially as quickly.

While more assistance would be nice, I have a few more resources I can tap into. It’ll just take a while before I’ll have access to it, and that should help me catch up.