I know I’m preaching to the choir here but I gotta rant. I never expected the average lib to go against Biden but they cant even say he is the lesser evil anymore. I’m constantly seeing people call Biden a good man or defending his administration like he isn’t a racist, misogynistic, transphobic, genocidal monster surrounded by racist, misogynistic, transphobic, genocidal monsters. Even libs who think he should be replaced say “hes done a good job but its time to step down”. NO HE FUCKING HASN’T. And then these scum have the gal to call us privileged for not supporting genocide, as if they are protecting minorities by voting for a right wing fossil who has done literally nothing to protect trans people and who has not only continued but escalated Trump’s covid policy and immigration policy.

News flash to any lib reading, you cant stop genocide at home by normalizing and supporting genocide abroad. Liberals stand for nothing, they have no principled opposition to Trump, they fucking love Biden for doing the same shit with the barest veneer of civility. They arn’t even moderate fascists just regular fascists. This election is 100% hitler v 100% hitler and any lib who expects me to vote can sincerely eat shit and die.