Looks like someone took some shots at prez candidate Donald Trump at a rally in PA. From the videos I’ve seen, it looks like he did get grazed.

  • SoylentBlake
    2 months ago

    C’mon, its been clear for…decades now, that Trump doesn’t consider anyone who can’t “loan” him half a billion dollars or someone he’s used the NSA to get completely compromised nominated to a bench, as a person. We are all subhuman to these guys.

    It starts with the threat, evolves into the purge, the political left get disappeared, “purifying” the government, then minorities take the next rap, first trans then gay, then different colored people and/or Jews. Hitler followed the same formula. So did Pinochet. So did Mussolini. Same with Franco. Even Stalin followed the formula (who undid half of what Lenin set up, creating communist flavored fascism, which is like institutionalized authoritarianism, bureaucratic brutality). Fascism is a social disease. It consists of two elements working together towards different agendas, but lying to each other the entire time. And they know it, which is why it’s built off fear and distrust. Take one part fanaticism of the disenfranchised economically dispossessed majority and one part fetishization of the antihero who’s going to right the wrongs. Prereq for the job is charisma stats high enough to deflect away suspicions that the antihero is owned by the wealthy class.

    If you aren’t part of the wealthy class, and willing to bend the knee, you aren’t even a person to Trump.

    These people want to pacify all dissent down to thought crime with as much excessive violence as they can get away with, to create a permanent underclass of slaves, but they get to choose which car they go in debt to get to work in, so theyre “free”. Would these social engineers false flag? Ab-so-fucking-lutely they would.

    He’ll redraw a metrological map with a sharpie in front of a scientist, all with a straight face and be stuck on a loop until the scientist just agrees in disbelief. In his mind, Trump writes reality, with the state behind him, they’ll just change the historical record. if you forgot, sometimes in less than a day, even when confronted with video evidence of his saying it. Post truth, fictional, fantasy world. To them the end is more important than the means, constitution be damned.

    Most importantly, just remember, no one’s coming to save us.