The DEC is still accepting written comments about renewing the permit for the landfill in Rensselaer.

Oh yay, a new invasive pest! The elm zigzag sawfly has arrived, and the DEC would appreciate it if you report sightings.

NYISO says there may be power interruptions in NYC if “peaker” plants are phased out as quickly as planned.

The hydropower plant on Great Sacandaga Lake wants to reduce the fees it pays the regulating district from $1.5 million per year to $250,000.

In my neighborhood, there were more fireflies than average this year, but light pollution, pesticides, and habitat loss threaten their existence. You can help by minimizing use of outdoor lighting and skipping the manicured lawn thing.

The DEC is using planes to track areas being harmed by spongy moth caterpillars.