
  • Carrolade@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Except significant reform was achieved, white people lost enormous power with the Civil Rights Act, that was an extraordinary victory won through peaceful protest. The reform stopping coincides very, very cleanly with the escalation of aggressive rhetoric and civil unrest. If you go out and further scare and piss people off, there is zero chance there will be any reparations coming from that. They won’t have to when they have such a convenient excuse to lock people up.

    While yes, they can manufacture reasons to clamp down, does that mean you should make their job easier, by giving them a more convenient excuse? It’s playing directly into their hands, and foolish.

    Historically speaking, the vast, vast majority of revolutions get crushed. Even those that do not get crushed, often fail, catastrophically, at delivering the desired change. Did the Bolsheviks get the world they dreamed of in the USSR? Reform, however, does often work, just slowly. Massive demonstrations do create reform, as BLM did in many cities like Minneapolis.

    I’m familiar with the work of people like Hoover as director of the FBI, and domestic CIA shit. Your problem here is you’re thinking you can fight fire with fire, that’s the best way. You are disastrously mistaken and your philosophy will harm your own cause. It’s just temptation to want an easier path instead of the long, slow, but actually possible one. If you think political organizing for mass voting does not work, I’m afraid you’ve just been radicalized into something fundamentally false. It’s not factual, you have to cherry pick to think voting does not work.