Honestly, I’m going stream of consciousness and would love to have leftist eyes on what I’ve noticed.

If you find something that resonates with you, I’m happy to talk about it.

It’s sad how much capitalism has done to make us reasonably afraid of what it would do to survive.

It’s scary how much we perceive capitalism even when it has no reason to be there. Why should anybody have to do math to be able to eat a fruit that could easily be grown in a garden? Why should it be risky to eat a fruit on private property? Because the HOA says Black kids eating from their trees ruins the property value?

That’s what’s causing the food desertification in the US. The bourgeois hates to see the proletariat enjoying their food.

Because deep down they know they’ll never be happy with what they have.

No matter much they were born with. No matter how much they take from others. No matter how much they lie. No matter how many they kill.

They refuse to believe capitalism won’t make them happy. They refuse to believe they are eroding their souls with each excess they consume.

And so we find ourselves complicit in the cruelty.

We must accept that capitalism has eroded our souls in irreparable original sin. It’s a mark on humanity that will never go away. Future generations will look back on all of us and how terrible we were. And after they’re gone, their descendants will describe them as monsters too.

And rightfully so.

Because while we as a society act monstrously.

We’re living under the influence of a monstrous system that limits the choices we can make. Funny that capitalism claims to offer choice. I think about the guy who went to Cuba and laughed that they only had plain Lay’s potato chips. At a store where you can get whatever you need to eat and snacks for free.

They point and laugh at Cuban Baskin Robin’s because they only have four flavors of free ice cream. They think only being stuck with Coke or Pepsi is scary enough to warrant embargo and nuclear war.

Because the thought of a child being able to e enjoy food disgusts them. How dare people enjoy without thinking about capitalism!

Capitalism is that one rich kid who has to be the center of attention at someone else’s birthday party.

Capitalism makes you hate enjoying things because they might be cringe and make you less marketable.

Capitalism makes you hate your body by convincing you it’s fat and dirty while simultaneously serving fat and dirt to children.

Capitalism forces kids to maim themselves on slaughterhouse floors while their managers look away to run gambling pools on who might die of covid.

Capitalism makes it scary to like things unironically.

Capitalism makes it scary to be in the moment.

Know why?

Its existence is predicated on you perceiving its existence for another day.

It’s an evil ritual that is maintained every time someone ignores the suffering around them to have brunch.

Chuds see the monster too, but capitalism has convinced them it’s the disenfranchised people who run the world.

Look, a lot of you don’t see capitalism ending in your lifetime. It might not, but if you believe multiverse shit, even a little, then you owe it to yourself to try to picture one day waking up without capitalism in your life.

Write the story of the marvel universe where superheroes don’t exist, allegedly scared , Kamala Harris is challenging Donald Trump for president of the United States, and you get more active in your community.

You join an organization or reach out to people when you have the bandwidth.

If you have leftovers, share some with a safe person who might be struggling.

If you have the bandwidth, hear someone out, even if they don’t have the same understanding of material politics yet, but are well-meaning.

If you get lucky and manage to find a level of institutional power, use it with sincere class consciousness.

That’s what I’m trying to do at least.

It’s rough feeling like writing something like this will draw attention towards me. We see wreckers all the time. There is reason to believe anyone here could be a fascist looking to hurt the most vulnerable person they can find.

And for that reason, I’m trying to go out more and be a better person in my community. I could argue with chuds all day, but I think instead, I’ll get good at a vegan brownie recipe and use that to share my short story about a surviving Lenin discovered in a block of ice like Captain America. (Yes I wrote this if you want it, dm me)

What if you find a magic amulet that lets you talk with the ghost of Che Guevara and he helped you write a book to share with 2024. Yes, what if Che Guevara was your ghost roommate and he ghost writes a book for you? (Writing this story now)

All I’m saying is fantasy and superheroes and wish fulfillment don’t have to belong to reactionary thinkers.

Why can’t we have Materialist Fantasy?

Have a good night!