Are there any apps that support RCS that aren’t made by Google or a crappy cellular provider (ie: bloatware Verizon apps)?

I appreciate the features RCS has, but I’d love to get that without sending it all to Google with a “trust us” approach to backdoor keys. The documentation I looked at indicated that anyone could setup an app to support RCS and communicate with Google’s RCS users, but I can’t find any apps that actually do that.

Also would love to be able to message from multiple devices using RCS, which Google has working in their web app.

    • Mikel@lemmy.farley.proOP
      11 months ago

      I have an off-grid Linux box that hosts a local Wi-Fi network and some communication and entertainment apps. I want to host a chat service for asynchronous off-grid comms. Briar looked like the perfect option if I could just add the mail-box to my Linux box.

      Simplex looks like it might do something similar, but it doesn’t look like it does comms over direct Bluetooth.

        11 months ago

        It doesn’t. But you can run your own server pretty easily.

        You could also check out Jami. It doesn’t do direct Bluetooth but it works on a lan if you run your own dht… proxy? bootstrap server? It can also do local discovery over udp, but I haven’t tried that yet. I think async may chew up battery though

        Maybe your own matrix server?