The law opens libraries up to liability if they don't keep books that people complain about away from kids. H.B. 710 says that "obscene content" will be "Judged by the average person, applying contemporary community standards."
Excuse me good sir, can you direct me to the red curtain in your fine establishment? I want some of that restricted literature… I was thinking Grapes of Wrath but maybe I’m more in the mood for Chaucer… or a little Lady Chatterly?
No? Well fuck, I guess I’ll have to see if there’s anything online then - I’m pretty sure everything online is SFW otherwise they wouldn’t allow it to be posted.
Excuse me good sir, can you direct me to the red curtain in your fine establishment? I want some of that restricted literature… I was thinking Grapes of Wrath but maybe I’m more in the mood for Chaucer… or a little Lady Chatterly?
No? Well fuck, I guess I’ll have to see if there’s anything online then - I’m pretty sure everything online is SFW otherwise they wouldn’t allow it to be posted.
Are you sure you’re not just 2 kids in a trench coat?