“I’m sure these leopards won’t eat my face!”
I simply don’t get it at all. They complain about housing costs, but the republican Governor they voted in has vetoed rent control bills and suggests a “free market approach to housing”.
They complain about inflation when in reality the US is doing reasonably well there compared to a lot of places in the world.
Then there is this nugget about Trump:
“He has issues, but who doesn’t have issues in their personal life? He has no fear and he’s not afraid to fight,” said Valdovinos.
Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about? Is this still 2016? He had a term, you know exactly what a Trump presidency will be like. It was widely considered the worst presidential term ever. Stop going by fucking *vibes* I swear to God
You say you dont get it, butvthr answer is simple: undereducated and willfully ignorant
“He’s willing to fight against working class people for every ounce of loose change he can pillage from the federal budget. That’s why I believe he’ll fight for us working class people.”
They’re not going in vibes, they’re going on the vibes they were told about.
I hope their paperwork’s in order.
You know it won’t be.
“But you never asked for it before!? Where are you taking ME!? BUT I VOTED TRUMP!!!”
and Mrs. Garcia was never seen again, and no one knew what happened to her. Some say she was deported, and others talk about a camp outside an Air Force base that people never leave when they enter. It has a strange snow falling around the area that floats gently with the breeze covering everything with a fine powder. No one gets close enough to see what it is, and honestly, everyone is far too busy looking for their papers to bother…because if the PB find you, and you don’t have them on you…well you end up like Mrs. Garcia.
🤦🏽 🤦♀️🤦🏻♂️