The story in Zero Caliber 2 is somewhat perfunctory, so don’t worry if you’ve never played the original game; you will catch up quickly. It’s the not-too-distant future, and drinkable water has become the only real commodity. Society has all but crumbled as people fight to survive. This essentially translates to some heavily accented bad guys attacking some American-accented good guys while trying to seize precious water supplies.

Thankfully, you and your buddies are the paragons of military might, and it’s up to you to save the day. Oorah!

There are a few twists and turns along the way, but for the most part, the story exists as a vessel for cinematic action sequences, which Zero Caliber 2 delivers in spades. From fighting house to house through an overrun suburban setting to calling in airstrikes while clearing enemy trenches, Zero Caliber 2 delivers action hero power fantasy fresh out of a mid-90s action movie.

The campaign consists of 12 missions, each lasting roughly 20-30 minutes, depending on skill and difficulty. It delivers around 6 hours of high-quality adrenaline-fuelled escapism.