• teichflamme
    1 year ago

    I don’t even know how you can come up with so much bullshit lmao

    Their defeat is inevitable, and prolonging the inevitable only adds to the suffering

    It really isn’t. Russia has lost battle after battle. Russia is broke as fuck and is getting beat up with the old stuff of the west as of now.

    and to the list of war crimes that they will be charged with by Russia’s tribunals afterwards

    No one gives a fuck about any Russian tribunal, they aren’t even a democracy.

    The West’s “support” is literally destroying Ukraine and they have all admitted that they have no problem with this,

    That has never happened lmao

    meanwhile the only ones who actually care about the Ukrainian people and have gone out of their way to try and save them from the Western imperialists and from themselves are the Russians.

    If bombing Ukraine is their way of saving it I surely wouldn’t want them to continue with that.

    10 IQ Statement bro

    It’s actually really sad that there isn’t a single country on the planet that cares about Ukraine except Russia (and maybe Belarus).

    Would that be your narrative if the west bombed Ukraine? That they are just showing how much they care?

    Or if they kidnapped children? Or committed countless crimes of War?

    If you really cared about Ukraine you too would want the flow of weapons and money to them to stop, because the longer this goes on the worse it will be for them.

    The longer this goes on the worse it will be for Russia after blundering their illegal invasion of a sovereign country that they swore to acknowledge