To clarify, the pictured poster Caroline Kwan is an ally, not a TERF. The TERFs referred to in the title are the ones ‘protecting a very specific idea of what a woman is’

    1 month ago

    The issue with that take is incoherence, not rarity. Yeah, it’s rare for it to happen, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t. In fact, the Olympics is pretty much a heaven for genetic selectivity, so you’ll find more people that have higher levels of testosterone, for example.

    Even if Michael Phelp’s traits are rare, they still gave him a significant advantage over his peers. That means that if you’re gonna ban someone from a sport because they have a significant genetical advantage, then people like Michael Phelps, or any future Michael Phelps-like athletes (cause remember: genetics is pretty important in the Olympics) should be banned.

    Doesn’t matter if it’s one specific genetical advantageous traits or several. I’d even argue it should be worse for someone that has several.

    As for the solution, I don’t necessarily disagree, but I feel like somehow, it’s gonna be more complicated than it actually is. Biology is really wack, so yeah…