I have a bunch of things I have cooking, kinda on and off.

  • Working with @Burger@burggit.moe on Burggit, obviously.

  • Have a minecraft modding project I work on occasionally. Not something I think I’ll ever share publicly (might share some screenshots at some point though.).

  • There’s a super secret super cool project I’ve been working on for Shota Services, which I hope people will enjoy when it comes out.

  • As well as a bunch of smaller things like tweaking various sites and some other things which are too early for me to reveal.

What have you been doing to express your creativity recently?

  • Lucia@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    Recently I’ve been trying to draw more and improve my art, so far it’s going well though some days I struggle to find what to draw. 😮‍💨

    • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
      1 year ago

      That sounds fun! My wife also practices her drawing to improve her art! What sort of things do you usually like to draw?

      • Lucia@burggit.moe
        1 year ago

        I mainly draw very busty women/futa and recently I’ve also been trying to draw more petite characters.

  • SmolSlime@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    Currently banging my head trying to understand the whole web programming. It feels so messy compared to other programming languages, and there are so many shit I have to learn just to make a modern website. I just can’t get a grasp of it. Now I’m learning javascript, and my god, it’s so weird compared to other languages. Why the hell is semicolon sometimes needed, sometimes optional? What the fuck is anonymous/arrow function? Why do I have to make a function only to be used once? I wonder if it’ss be easier once I start learning frameworks.

    Other than that, I’m also learning to draw. Though I have to muster up a lot of willpower just to do it due to negative thoughts.

    • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
      1 year ago

      I’ve been working on web development myself, though I have the complete opposite approach. I try to use as little client-side JavaScript as physically possible. A lot can be done with pure HTML and CSS, and when those are too limiting, I’ve been using server-side JavaScript via EJS.

    • Elyusi, Kei@burggit.moe
      1 year ago

      I dunno that much about web dev, but from my understanding:

      Why the hell is semicolon sometimes needed, sometimes optional?

      I think that’s called ASI if you haven’t come across the term already. Semi-colons are less like “optional”, and more like the JS parser takes its best guess as to where semi-colons should go in addition to explicit ones.
      Personally, I prefer to leave code formatting decisions like that to an opinionated formatter like Prettier and just never think about it again.

      What the fuck is anonymous/arrow function? Why do I have to make a function only to be used once?

      These are trappings of functional programming. If you’re learning this stuff mostly for fun, I can recommend taking a detour to dabble in a purely(-ish) functional language for at least a little bit. It’ll probably be even more of a head-scratcher than JS, but it should quickly become obvious as to why anonymous functions are a handy convenience. More importantly it forces you to conceptualize a problem from a functional approach, which you might otherwise avoid in more popular multi-paradigm languages since it’s unfamiliar.

      As for why functional programming is handy, there’s doubtless more thorough and knowledgeable primers on the web, but as for me the two big ones that immediately come to mind are:

      • New avenues for separation of concerns. I think a typical example to point out is sorting: FP makes it trivial to separate the sorting algorithm from how you want the data sorted, you just pass a comparison function alongside the data, which the sorting algorithm then repeatedly calls.
      • Concurrency safety. Purely functional solutions are basically impossible to shoot yourself in the foot with as far as parallelism. More realistically, with unpure solutions the more you can borrow from a functional approach, the fewer avenues you have to shoot yourself in the foot with respect to parallelism.

      For JS, lifetimes and scope seem like they’d be kind of unwieldy, without knowing a bit about FP and more specifically closures.

  • Nazrin@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    I work on coding a genshin impact private server. It take the somehow acquired from the client resources and tries to emulate the behavior of the server. Super buggy, but I’m slowly ironing out bugs and making the quests possible without using too many manual override commands.

    • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
      1 year ago

      That’s super cool! I love reverse engineering type projects like that. How do you manage to get the client to connect to the modded server? I imagine it’d be through either a modified client or an isolated network of sorts.

      • Nazrin@burggit.moe
        1 year ago

        It’s through a proxy redirector. The client believes it is talking directly to the official server with nearly no modification.

      • MomoNeedsCorrection@burggit.moe
        1 year ago

        Theoretically, you can basically do this for any game (or similar software) that primarily runs on your computer, but connects up to a server for various purposes. If you know what information your game sends up, and what the server sends down, it’s entirely possible to create an alternative server that sends down the right information, along with some method of redirecting the game to your new server.

        The biggest examples would be things like wiimmfi or pokemon event distribution servers

    • awoo@burggit.moe
      1 year ago

      Is it Grasscutter by any chance? I was looking for some decent offline single player experience but the last time I checked it’s still a bit underwhelming.

      • Nazrin@burggit.moe
        1 year ago

        Ya, Grasscutter. Last two months I’ve helped bring the questing from nearly unplayable to there only needing to be a few commands to finish the prologue.

        • awoo@burggit.moe
          1 year ago

          Oh boy. How healthy is the project at the moment? I think when I found it last year the community was super active. I stopped paying attention to it but always had a fear that the community may have imploded due to retarded drama or burned itself out.

          Either way I’ll give it another try when I go on vacation next month. Looking forward to it.

          • Nazrin@burggit.moe
            1 year ago

            Unfortunately it seems I’m the main coder now. I haven’t seen the former, much more experianced, active main coder for a few weeks now. He’s probably taking a minecraft break, but there’s still a lot of low hanging fruit to cover.

            • awoo@burggit.moe
              1 year ago

              Interesting. My Java is rusty and I have only played the game for less than 10 hours but I’ll see if there is anything I can help.

  • Pink Bow@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    What have you been doing to express your creativity recently?

    This is such a motivational question. Because what have I been doing that’s creative lately? Not a lot! I’ve basically been consuming things. After I got a job again (very good thing) I was super busy. I thought I’d get back into my projects once the job stabilized, but that hasn’t happened. And it’s not going to happen unless I actively start making some changes.

    So here are some plans:

    • Been wanting to do more with AI, both art and text. Bought a new GPU so that’s a start. It’s something that has fascinated me ever since I ran ELIZA as a kid. Also, I’m hoping this will help me express myself more clearly.
    • I was having a lot of fun writing simple calculator apps and games. It was a creative challenge to produce something on such a limited platform. My goal is to dedicate some time on Sundays for this.
    • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
      1 year ago

      I’m happy that I could motivate you a little bit. This is something I often fall into the trap of, where I’ll just end up not doing anything creative and just veg around, which is absolutely not good. So, I try to push myself to do projects which help me express myself creatively.

      I don’t do much with AI, except occasionally make my shota-sona in different poses for icons and what not, simply cause it’s not the sort of thing I think is worth commissioning a person for. I’m terrible at doing anything else, lol.

      I love fiddling around with programming, I used to do some game development stuff in my freetime, but I think I lost all the projects, which has discouraged me from that, not to mention my AMD card being a huge hindrance in that department, at least with the Game Engine I was using. I’ve been mainly working on websites as of late.

  • Marimfisher@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    Mostly just trudging through college to get another degree. Also trying to learn Spanish to a usable level. Figured there’s no point in wasting all that highschool class time.

  • Burger@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    I was working on the API but the way federation works here is pants on head retarded so I guess I can’t do that…

  • waffler@burggit.moe
    1 year ago
    • Backend APIs for some VR apps.
    • Reverse engineering save files to write a save modder in Rust. There’s 0 documentation on the binary save files and learning Rust’s borrow checker feels like driving a backwards car.
    • Optimizing SourceEngine maps. When I get more time I want to mess around with S2 maps in S&box more.
    • This(NSFW Loli)

    Lately I’ve had the idea to make a bot for auto cunny posting from my Gelbooru or Pixiv favorites. I’ve already reversed engineered their APIs years ago.

  • GalvyGalvyCwanbewwy@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    I’ve been swapping between a couple different things, but not all of them are necessarily what I would consider “creative”.

    • I’ve been trying to learn how to draw, using the book Figure It Out! Human Proportions: Draw the Head and Figure Right Every Time as my teacher, you could say. It’s slow going, and I’m still fairly early in my studies, but I’ve already noticed a little improvement! Every once in a while, if I can stomach the monotony, I try and do Draw a box, too.

    • Some fanfiction projects. In true stereotypical cringelord fashion, right now I’ve been writing… Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction. Incredible. I don’t know if that’s better or worse than my stint writing Hollow Knight porn.

    • It isn’t really creative, but I’ve been trying to get better about taking notes as I read. I use an app called OpenReads I grabbed off F-Droid to write down my thoughts, feelings, and even passages I really like from the books I’ve been reading. I’m the sort of person who will just mindlessly consume and forget everything about something if I don’t force myself to stop and really engage with a work.

  • Elyusi, Kei@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    I write and maintain a Twitch bot for a friend. Today I got to push a one-liner fix (hopefully), which always feels good. It’s an API call that was working fine before, so I guess I was using it in a legacy way without realizing, woops!