all whities (the so-called Romans) ever did was grill their meat in the circus when they were watching a gladiator match and then afterwards drink watered down wine. At least they knew that you should cook food before eating it.

Aqueducts?? They didn’t even know about germ theory. What would they need all this fresh water for? (To power underground nuclear plants aliens gave them the blueprints for). Sewers?? They shared a single sponge to wash their ass with. They didn’t even know about pants ffs, are you seriously implying this bunch of femboys conquered the Celts in skirts?

Get real. Aliens took pity on these pasty crackkkers and beamed them some basic 101 tech that other greater civilizations had figured out CENTURIES prior. All their pantheon of like 100 gods are the different outer space aliens that came to visit them at various points in history – nobody needs 100 gods, let me tell you that much. “Phoebus” pulls the sun with his chariot?? Yeah right. That’s an alien that came to them in a spaceship (the chariot) and taught them not to stare at the sun. Then they stole a story from the Greeks because all Roman culture was stolen from other places and counterfeit and gave it a different name to represent their alien and explain it to their pagan asses.

How come Phoebus doesn’t burn when he’s pulling the Sun around?? That’s because he’s an alien and had advanced technology to combat the radiating heat of the Sun, which modern humans still don’t have.

Now Iran, that’s a real civilization. At least they knew about soap.

  • CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.mlOP
    2 months ago

    The average Roman was 1.65 meters tall. They were short but, if their statues are any indication, quite stocky. Lower height = lower brain size = lower intelligence. Good for manual labor but not much else. Perhaps that’s why they enslaved each other so frequently like savages. From studying their “art” we see they also had an inclination towards crudely displaying their genitalia for the world to see, which are the trademarks of a savage people. Emperor Moctezuma of the Aztec was much more refined in his relationship to nudity, wearing a flayed human skin with much more grace and as a signifier for eschewing traditional, crude nudity for a more cultured form of it - a simulacra that is a complete simulation, or presents itself as such, but can never be, because it can never be the original. The perfect simulation, essentially. This is much more interesting and testifies to the Aztecs’ higher cognitive capabilities than the white marble statues the Romans said “good enough” at and then kept making ad nauseam for the next 500 years.