The story of literal “American Jesus”.

A good story, a good criticism of American culture as a whole and the internal desire of all Americans for some savior or politician to expunge them and save them from their national and personal sins.

Enjoy! One of my favorite issues from a comic of all time.

Edit: I’ve been told he’s been accused of sexual assault, scratching my previous comment on being thankful he didn’t end up a shitty person. Genuinely had no idea.

  • Solarny
    1 month ago

    Well I just did a some research, as I usualy do when i learn about such things… I must admit that sadly at the end in most cases i must agree with accusers. But here i really do not know, maybe i I missed something, but i would rather wait for some stronger evidence, before I decide to put him on “fuck him” list… Fell free to change my mind.