OP… @Wen@mastodon.scot

Luis Elizondo, a military veteran and intelligence agent, claims US government has retrieved alien technology and bodies from crash sites for 50-plus years

In his memoir, Elizondo makes a number of revelations, including the existence of what he calls a “super-secret umbrella group” composed of government officials and defence contractors who he says have been retrieving technology and biological remains of non-human origin for more than half a century.

AATIP was like “one of those Russian dolls, one tiny secret tucked within another”, he writes. He describes one unit, the Legacy Program, as having black ops “so black they weren’t even black”. “We spoke of ‘purple novas’ — projects and programs so secret that not even the secretary of defence or the president would ever know of them.”

According to the conspiracy theory, the 1947 crash of what was said to be a US Army Air Forces weather balloon near Roswell, New Mexico, was actually a spacecraft.

Elizondo writes that the intelligence he studied pointed to two saucers colliding that day on July 8. “Our primitive EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) device must have somehow disrupted their propulsion bubble, rendering them vulnerable … like a 757 losing all power on its jet engines,” he concludes.

“Four deceased non-human bodies were in fact recovered from the 1947 Roswell crash,” Elizondo claims in the book, which spent a year under Pentagon security review before being passed for publication. Several parts remain redacted.

He writes of at least three other incidents where “non-human cadavers” were recovered from supposed air force crashes, including one in December 1950 in Ciudad Acuña, Mexico, across the Rio Grande from Del Rio, Texas, and four in 1989 in Kazakhstan in the former Soviet Union.

  • BearOfaTime
    27 days ago

    And I say I have a million dollars.

    Anyone can say they have anything.

    27 days ago

    The non human material is sitting right in my basement but it seems to be protected by a time space force shield. I can see it but whenever anyone else looks they are taken back in time 1.4 seconds before the material existed. Very frustrating.