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So, Konsole shipped by default with KDE Plasma, my current Desktop Environment. While I don’t have a problem with it, I am interested in what other people are using, because there very likely is something better out there.

Specifically I’ve seen talk of Kitty and Alacritty, although I’ve also read that the dev of Kitty is allegedly kind of a jerk, so I am specifically interested in how Konsole matches up to Alacritty in your experience, but other suggestions and general terminal emulator discussion are also welcome!

  • tunOPM
    20 days ago

    I migrated to Alacritty from Konsole. I use ANSI colors (for base16 terminal theme) and Konsole does not play nice. Before Alacritty, I tried Kitty and it had some problem with the font I want to use (PragmataPro I think). Wezterm is another terminal I tried as it uses lua for configuration. My general conclusion is ‘Alacritty is the most bare bone, uses least memory and suits my need’.

    For Windows, I used to use cmder in the past. I use Windows Terminal and Putty (for portability) nowadays.