Preview for Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars on Nintendo DS.
Taken from GamesMaster 205 - December 2008 (UK)
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#NIntendoDS still the best GTA game
100%And for me personally Sleeping Dogs remains better than any 3D GTA.
Such a shame what happened to the team and that we’ll never see them make another Sleeping Dogs, Saints Row, Lego City Undercover… the GTA-likes always seem to be better than GTA itself
Strange but certainly true.
Not quite sure what it is.
And looking at the sales numbers, we have to be part of a tiny minority in feeling that way, but still.
I heard really fantastic things about this game, like it was a lot of fun, and optimized very well for the DS.
This and GTA: Advance are still the only GTA games I haven’t played, just never had the opportunity to.