I highly doubt that. Hospitals are required to be on a supported os at this point. Running xp or 7 is literally a HIPPA violation and would cost them millions or more.
Either they are paying to get esu patching past eol or they are on newer oses. The cost of HIPPA infractions like that is astronomical and impossible to avoid. If you know for a fact you saw an eol os, they are paying per year per device for extended patching.
Lol, most hospitals I go into are still on Windows 7 with some stuff still running XP.
Also, most workstations are thin clients
I highly doubt that. Hospitals are required to be on a supported os at this point. Running xp or 7 is literally a HIPPA violation and would cost them millions or more.
When did that happen? I know last year the hospital I was in had XP on a bunch of shit.
Any software no longer supported is in direct violation of HIPPA laws. For ex, win 7 eol - https://www.hipaajournal.com/deadline-for-upgrading-windows-7-devices-is-fast-approaching/
The only route for them is to pay for extended patching per system which can also get very expensive.
You’re not wrong about the requirements but that’s not what’s actually happening.
Either they are paying to get esu patching past eol or they are on newer oses. The cost of HIPPA infractions like that is astronomical and impossible to avoid. If you know for a fact you saw an eol os, they are paying per year per device for extended patching.