As the completed story concept is not very defiened. I borrowed Red at Spacegamers Ignobles ***To go to Level 2 all Ignobles must be checked off. GM will tell players they achieved an ignoble or players can make case / ask for ignobles. ******Ignobles should require greater and greater deeds for each new level to be checked off.

All must be checked off before advancement to next level - Yes you have to do all of these things.

__Adventure (Travel/Exotic Places/ Danger/ Intrigue)

__Bard’s Tale (Fame/Triumph/ Notoriety)

__Battle (Military / Battle Engagements/ Great Strategy)

__Crafty Deeds (Cunning Execution/ Skills / Intrigue)

__Desires Fulfilled (Profit/ Revenge /Power / Goals)

__Exercising Prudence (Forethought / Plans and Precautions)

__Personal Growth (Leadership / Comradeship / Political Authority)

__Heroics (Boldness / Courage / Audacity)

__Magical Events (Acquistion / Exposure / Use)

After Level 2 players must keep a log of events they checked off. To verify the current ignoble has been greater than the last.

  • fredzBXGameOP
    1 year ago

    Oh yes they will be going out adventuring or else.