La Paz, Sep 7 (Prensa Latina) The former head of the Bolivian Army and ringleader of the failed coup on June 26, Juan José Zúñiga, seeks to hide his guilt by claiming he was “high” at the time of as [sic] events unfolded.
Gettin so zooted you do a coup
Smoke a big ol’ doink
Put on some tunes
Shoot a ATGM into the capitol building
I do in fact know a guy who would do this if he had troops. I’ve cut him off of course, but that is a different story.
I was gonna stage a coup, but then I got high.
I coulda form a military junta but I was high.
Now I’m gonna go to jail and I know why.
Cuz I got high, cuz I got high, cuz I got high.
la-la-ta, ta-ta-ra-ra
your honor, i was high as shit, i was off my rockers, zoinked, even.
Whom amonst us hasnt hit that bubonic cronic and tried to overthrow democracy.
I’m fairly sure i did some when drunk, but while those were only gastric revolutions, i can safely call the results as over throwing.
Your honor I was smoking that Cali bud
i’ve been high for a month straight & all i’ve done is watch slop
that’s like so many cups i coulda organised
Really shows how pathetic these fascists are, and their connection to the CIA. They’re not even trying to present evidence they’re the true victors of the election.
“High” command. :kelly: