• RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.netOPM
    22 hours ago

    So I’ve had a 101 to 103 fever all week. Ive been tested for flue, covid, negative. Ive had a cough that won’t quit. Ive been to the walk in twice. First time is when they tested me for covid/flue. Negative for strep at the second one. Chest Xrays, blood work. I told them to test me for tick born illness. No tick parasites thankfully. Waiting on Lyme tests. I’m only suspect because I’ve been trail walking in the AM recently. I couldn’t remember how to spell my last name at my first walk in appointment. It eventually came to me but it was really weird. I had been taking tylonal but they advised me to switch to Advil and that’s actually been better. They have me on a 28 days of doxycycline (unless I test negative).

    Of its not Lyme they’re going to want more tests. Good times.

    • Acute_Engles [he/him, any]@hexbear.net
      22 hours ago

      Honestly each negative test must simultaneously be a relief and a whole new set of stressors. So sorry to hear it man.

      We had the COVID recently and my little one is still pretty stuffed up making an already tough bedtime even worse but otherwise we’re doing well so i hope for a full recovery for you too

      • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.netOPM
        21 hours ago

        Yeah it’s very frustrating. I both hope its lyme and dread it being lyme. Lyme can fuck you up permanently. If its not Lyme though, then what the fuck do I have going on!?

        I also suspect I might have adult onset asthma. Which apparently my grandmother had happen to her. So something else yo worry about.

        • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
          17 hours ago

          I’m surprised they still suspect Lyme, given your respiratory symptoms, and even more surprised they’re giving you 28 days of antibiotics for it but also expect a blood test to be conclusive. Lyme doesn’t cause respiratory or GI symptoms, the standard treatment is 7-10 days of antibiotics, and serology will only be positive for a few days several weeks into an infection, which is a relatively small window you need to be lucky to catch.

          • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.netOPM
            14 hours ago

            The RN I talked to made it sound like 28 days will clear Lyme and I’ve been told its common to start the treatment before test results. Regardless though I think he believes I might have something bacterial going on. He told me “if it’s not Lyme you’re going to need a battery of tests”. But they’re not just testing for Lyme, just anything a tick could give me.

            I took 600mg of Advil this morning and felt better again. About 7 hours later my fever came back while visiting my parents. Took some more, and on the way home I had this really weird mussel ache that I felt in my arms and legs. Started sweating again and about 10 min later felt totally fine.

            Whatever I have, it fucking sucks.

            • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
              6 hours ago

              Yeah they’ll just throw antibiotics if they suspect Lyme because it’s pretty safe and very effective. I was just surprised by the length of the course they have you on, that’s a long time to be on an antibiotic.

              I looked at the other “popular” tick-borne illnesses and wonder if babesiosis is what you’ve got. It looks like that one responds better to different antibiotics, so if the doxy doesn’t fix you right up, it could be worth mentioning.

              My head is full of tick thoughts because I listened back to this tick-borne illness episode of science podcast Ologies after pulling the tick off me a couple weeks ago. 🤦 Obviously I needed a reminder, and considering the marvelous tick paradise I live in, I probably should just relisten every 6 months and wear DEET like cologne every day.

              Edit: also, apologies if my original comment came across like I was invalidating your experience. I got covid right after Lyme and the brain fog is making my usual autistic communication difficulties so much harder, and I have been told my whole life that I come across as condescending or know-it-all, when I’m desperately trying to just be helpful and share things I’ve learned.

              I had Lyme recently, my husband got absolutely rekt by it last year, and I strongly encourage anyone who suspects they have it to please talk to a medical professional asap. If you live anywhere that ticks live, please listen to that podcast I linked. It’s charming and entertaining as well as incredibly informative.

              I was just surprised by the length of your antibiotic course and that they expected a blood test to be conclusive and worried that whatever you have will get worse while they’re mucking about with suspicions of Lyme.

              Sorry if it sounded like I was trying to tell you what’s what. I try to be really precise with what I say and often forget that NTs get subtle attitudinal clues from word choices that I just don’t pick up on.

              • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.netOPM
                3 hours ago

                It’s all good. I didn’t detect any ill will from your comment. They have my blood being run through a tick panel, but they couldn’t do it on site so I’m just waiting for results. We have a guy in another department at work who had Lyme several years ago and it sounded no fun. I really am dreading getting brain fog. I already can’t remember shit thanks to my ADHD, I don’t need brain fog in my life. My luck though, they won’t find any tick illness and then I’m back to square 1.

                Another night waking up with a fever last night.

      • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.netOPM
        21 hours ago

        Our walk-in is awesome. Its probably because its run by the local university. They take you seriously, talk to you like an adult, and want to solve your problem so you don’t come back. I’m working on getting in to the uni general practice as my primary care. My GP is a fucking weirdo and talks to me like I’m a child. Every time I see him I’m reminded of why I don’t want to see him.