• Mongostein@lemmy.ca
    12 minutes ago

    Yup. Characters should remain consistent if it’s important.

    Tonto should not have been played by Johnny Depp. Gross.

    The original Ancient One was a poor stereotype of a Tibetan person and Tilda Swinton is cool so I’m ok with this one.

    Liam Neeson is a great actor with a ton of gravitas and he pulled off the role well, but yeah shoulda found a middle eastern dude. Maybe that hot Djin dude from American Gods can be the next Ras Al Ghul.

    Anything to do with Scarlet Witch’s background is a retcon, she was originally introduced as Magneto’s moustache twirling daughter. Despite her tan in the referenced photo she’s more often depicted as white, but I could see her being middle eastern. 🤷‍♂️

    Lastly, she’s a fucking mermaid. Who gives a shit? How many of the dude bros bitching even watched it?