Rockstar Games’ servers have been under heavy fire from massive DDoS attacks in recent days, causing widespread login and connectivity issues for players of GTA Online. These attacks come in the wake of Rockstar’s recent implementation of BattlEye, a new anti-cheat system designed to crack down on in-game cheating, sparking backlash from a segment of the player base. Protesters, unhappy with the new system, have resorted to using distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks to disrupt the servers, escalating tensions between the gaming giant and its community.

    3 hours ago

    See? There is a huge failure of comprehension here as you have mistaken a DDoS attack with a “legitimate complaint.”

    They are NOT the same thing. And I won’t entertain a discussion where I have to suspend belief to assume they are.

    • barsoap
      3 hours ago

      The onus isn’t on them to cater to everyone. If it can’t be used using Linux, deal with it like a grown up and find something else to do.

      You went far beyond “ddos’ers are silly boogers”, which I agreed with, but delegitimised critique of Rockstar in general: You told Linux gamers to stop playing: “Find something else to do”. Don’t motte and bailey now.

      Your words, they get interpreted. In specific contexts. Failing to acknowledge that those contexts can differ from whatever the context is in the privacy of your own mind is a failure of both theory of mind and communication on your part and, going out on half a limb here, probably the reason why everyone around you seems so hostile. Read the room. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you are right because what you say is met with hostility, rather, work towards having what you think is right accepted with gratitude. For starters, don’t go on tirades – which starting an argument with “butthurt little pussy” definitely is no matter how correct your assessment of the situation may or may not be. Develop tact.

        2 hours ago

        Again- I don’t fucking care what the reason is. If they were butthurt about an anticheat application, OR Linux users that are denied the game now-

        If they are doing DDoS attacks, they’re childish little entitled pussies.

        End of story. I meant what I said.

        • barsoap
          21 seconds ago

          Ok I’ll bite: You disapprove of the method of protest they chose, but how can you be sure of their underlying emotional/rational motives? As analogy, consider workers: They have the option to protest in front of the HQ, or they have the option to strike, and keep scabs out. Would you say that workers choosing the latter are “childish little entitled pussies”, after all, that’s a denial of service attack, or would you say that it is possible, in at least principle, that those kinds of attacks represent a well-considered strategic choice?

          If such rationale is possible, how can you be sure that whoever launched the DDOS did act out of childish emotion, instead of cold-blooded calculation? You, we, can still disapprove of the use of violence in this case but that’s a consideration orthogonal as to whether we’re talking about adult or puerile behaviour.

          That all being said, can you now understand why leading with that kind of language can come off as, well, arrogant.