• WolvenSpectre@lemmy.ca
    15 hours ago

    I don’t get allot of that, possibly because I have History turned off and refuse to turn it back on.

    • I vastly avoid Right Wing content, and most of what I do encounter is like old school Republican, reeeally old school Republican. They are as pissed at the Right Wing’s take over by the Alt-Right(and worse)
    • YouTube has games?!?
    • The shorts content I get is mostly computer content and news, some branding because I have entered contests, and that is it. I have seen 1 short that was even approaching jailbaity and it was an add for a coming of age movie.
    • It has been literally over a year since I used Google to find a video (well except for a tech support video I keep loosing the link to that I use to help people with installing Windows 11 Locally) and I have been using Startpage which anonymizes Google results.

    If you disabling your Ad ID and turning off your history and you still get all that BS I would be looking for an Exit Strategy to.