California Gov. Gavin Newsom has vetoed a bill that would have helped Black families reclaim or be compensated for land that was taken unjustly by the government through eminent domain.

    2 months ago

    ??? No, no it does not. SB 490 does. SB 1050 when discussing the agency says “as provided by SB 490 of the 2023–24 Regular Session”. It is unambiguously predicated on the passage of SB 490. This is just mental gymnastics trying to take what’s ultimately a fuck-up by the state legislature and push it onto Newsom for no reason whatsoever.

    “Just put the bill on the books because I don’t understand that a veto doesn’t make a bill start from scratch and that the bill sets out legal obligations it can’t fulfill.”

    “Just use the bill to create the agency that the bill never creates and thereby doesn’t grant you the power to create.”