Worth a watch. Good interviews with locals.

Some towns have gotten 50% bigger in less than 2 years as new people moved in. Schools and infrastructure were not prepared.

Why is this happening? And - as seen in the comments on this thread - why are you a racist if you ask about it?

To be clear: immigration is important, and necessary, but I had not heard or seen the impact that this huge surge of people have had on many small towns until I saw this.

If your reaction to someone asking this simple question is anger: that’s a problem. Feel free to treat me like an idiot and back up your opinion with data. Otherwise, I don’t understand why we should be obligated to treat this massive influx of people better than our own citizens. No other country does it.

      • Broken_Monitor@lemmy.world
        23 days ago

        Alright so I don’t care enough or have the time to go through this hour long video and break it down point by point, but I will talk about the opening minutes. This guy, with seemingly zero self awareness, approaches a group of people with his cell phone out saying “hey, I want to ask you some questions about [insert your assumed nationality here].” In this case Haitians who have spent the last several weeks being harassed, vilified, and threatened on a national media broadcast level that they neither asked for or likely know how to handle. My reaction to that if I were them would be “no thank you, please leave me alone”. This appears to be what they do - they politely said no. Then the camera man proceeds to paint them in a negative light immediately for it “why won’t they answer my questions?! Why??” Gets in his car to leave. That group went inside and got someone - probably someone willing to speak for them - but by the time she comes out the camera man has now painted them negatively again “they ran me out of here, they ran away, they scattered and got in their cars and left, oh this woman is coming at me aggressively go go get out of here go.”

        They did no such thing, they indicated politely he should leave, and he did. There was no aggression, and the when a woman came to speak with him he zoomed off assuming she was a threat somehow? And then getting offended when she did exactly what he just did and filmed it.

        This guy is not a reporter, has no credentials, is making wild baseless accusations in this first few minutes of his video, and its plain to see. This sets the tone for the rest of whatever dribble this guy has to say. The assumptions he made in that interaction were either racist, xenophobic, or just plain dumb because he has no idea why they might be a little on defensive and cautious about having conversations with random people approaching them ready to record them on a cell phone. If you want an interview you approach and ask without recording first, and then you only post video of willing participants. In my quick scroll of the remainder it would appear he did not use this ambush tactic on the people willing to speak to him.