“The Israeli prime minister came here today and said that Israel is surrounded by those who want to destroy it,” Safadi said at a Friday press conference shortly after Netanyahu finished his speech at the UN General Assembly.

“We’re here — members of the Muslim-Arab committee, mandated by 57 Arab and Muslim countries — and I can tell you very unequivocally, all of us are willing to guarantee the security of Israel in the context of Israel ending the occupation and allowing for the emergence of a Palestinian state,” Safadi passionately argued.

Netanyahu “is creating that danger because he simply does not want the two-state solution. If he does not want the two-state solution, can you ask Israeli officials what is their end-game — other than just wars and wars and wars?”

Also, video of the statement.

  • SoylentBlake
    3 hours ago

    Who cares? Isntreal was bum rushed by all its neighbors in the 60s and beat them all back - and made huge accusations of land, in 6 days. The narrative is that Isntrael is in danger at all times, but from my pov, their neighbors have been the ones in danger for almost 75yesrs now.

    Isntrael might be the smallest kid in the block but they’re the only ones who know how to fight. They’re the kid that bullies the rest of the kids and when one of the scared kids finally snaps back, Iz is the first to whine to the adults playing victim.

    I’ve known plenty of kids like that. Not one has turned into a quality person. You think the IDF (you know, regular Israelis) are gonna be super moral quality people after all the murder, torture and rape that THEY THEMSELVES COMMITED and THEY THEMSELVES have posted online.

    I don’t need to accuse Isntrael of anything. They’re bragging about it and I consider that lack of morality monstrous. Barbaric. If that’s the state of Jewry today, then it belongs buried in the past. There’s foxes in the synagogue and if the Rabbis are concerned with their survival they need to clean house. Otherwise jewdom are gonna find themselves global pariahs with no one willing to buy the shit they selling.