There’s contention within the diablo 4 community right now seemingly by two camps of players: the ones that immerse into their characters and want more commitment into their choices, and the other camp who want to slay hordes of demons with little to obstruction or disruption to that gameplay loop.

I am curious as to what your thoughts on the obstacle leveling brings and what meaning it has that is separate from other obstacles that take up time, like the current respec implementation as well as the soon-to-be trivialized nightmare dungeon hopping?

For honesty, I’ve been completely against the push for trivializing these things as I am a type of player that likes their verisimilitude within the games they play, especially those with the “RPG” acronym somewhere in its genre, no matter how light.

I’m struggling to find why one is okay yet the others are not, and I’m looking for a healthy discussion.

Edit: if you can’t comment due to language settings PM me and let me know!

  • actually_a_tomato
    1 year ago

    I feel I fall on the opposite side of the spectrum to you. To me, leveling is a chore. I’m all for playing through the story but the leveling in D4 is too slow. The fun of an ARPG comes from gearing for builds and demolishing baddies. Having to spend so much time using inefficient leveling builds because you don’t have all the skills unlocked is annoying, and the pace of play is irritatingly slow due to unoptimized gear. For me, leveling would be better if it took half the time it currently does. That being said, I’ve only leveled one character so far. I expect leveling will be more efficient without having to run through the campaign, unlock all the waypoints, Lilith statues, etc.

    1 year ago

    I’m in favor of making it easier to experiment with builds through easier re-speccing. Maybe that’s 2-3 saved build slots and a cost to switch or unlock them? Maybe that’s only available outside of seasons?

    Leveling should be fun, not so much a chore imo. I don’t have any characters higher than 35 so far, but I’ve found it pretty rewarding and progressive so far. I’m not one to grind for gear or max levels though, so I may not be the best to chime in on that topic.