For the android app… Is anyone else having an issue with the app reloading after leaving the app and coming back? I can open my task switcher and go use another app and then when I come back, everything reloads. Trying to see if it’s the app or just my phone being aggressive with the ram.

  • MrZee
    1 year ago

    Let’s do a test… I’m starting this comment.Now I’m gonna go for a bit…

    …Ok, a few minutes later and I’m back. I opened slay the spire and started a game, went to safari and opened a website, opened a music app and started playing music, and now am back here.

    Even with all of that loading and usage of other apps, nothing unloaded from Voyager and my comment was still drafting. It seems to me that some other gremlin is causing this than normal unloading inactive apps from memory.