• WhatAmLemmy@lemmy.world
    4 hours ago

    I’ve been calling it a mental illness for at least a decade. I suspect it’s similar to narcissism and empathetic impairment, but there is a clear corruption to the way they process logic, as evidenced by the constant double-think.

    “my abortion was different”

    “won’t someone think of the children” but also let em starve and die in a mass shooting.

    “Trans and gays are pedophiles” but also my teams pedos and sex criminals have my undying support.

    There are literally thousands of examples like this. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t see them display some glaring contradiction.

    I consider religion — which teaches you to trust your feefees, “just have faith”, and reject critical thought — to be the main source of this logical corruption and mental illness.