Let’s talk about something real for a second—when was the last time you had a deep conversation? Not just some surface-level chit-chat about the weather or who’s dating who, but a real, raw, soul-baring discussion that made you think? It feels like we’re losing the art of that.

Social media has turned everything into soundbites and hot takes. Everyone’s quick to tweet or post something for likes, but where’s the depth? When did we stop diving into the uncomfortable or challenging topics and start just… reacting to everything? We’ve become allergic to nuance, obsessed with being right instead of understanding each other. You ever notice how even when people do talk, it’s all about winning the argument, not learning from the conversation? Like, what happened to genuinely listening without waiting for your turn to speak?

It’s like people are scared to be vulnerable, to open up about the messy parts of life. We’re constantly scrolling, double-tapping, moving on to the next thing instead of sitting with something and exploring it fully. Have we all become so distracted that we’ve forgotten how to truly connect?

I’m curious—do you think the digital age is destroying meaningful conversation, or am I just getting old and cranky?