• Lets_Eat_Grandma
    4 hours ago

    People love looking at a figurehead and drawing the conclusion “That person is the problem!!!”

    The problem is never just one person. Especially in this case, the problem is systematic, pervasive and the solution is utterly at odds with society as it functions today.

    Now what someone does with that information is going to depend on the person. I guess my agenda comes down to wanting to direct people to the bigger picture and to stop keeping their head perpetually down staring at a person who has several masters above them pulling the strings. You can look upwards and address the source while also changing the rules that apply to the figurehead as well, no?

    To pose a hypothetical: If you eliminate all CEOs everywhere all at once the rest of the executives will just step up and the board and ownership will just carry on their way. It won’t fix the problem. If you make it so their comp is limited to no more than what the lowest paid person makes, you’re just going to make a supreme court judge situation where the person on top will be a puppet for whoever is willing to bribe them the best in ways that are not easily tracked.