• JeSuisUnHombre
    5 hours ago
    1. As a leftist that totally hates Trump, I am voting for Harris because it’s not strategic for me to do otherwise. I still have the ability to recognize that the dems are doing their damndest to uphold a broken status quo that is actively harming everyone, especially children in Palestine.

    2. Why shouldn’t they paint the entire GOP as a threat when they are the party America’s Hitler? The reason we have Trump in the first place is because the DNC wanted a bogeyman to get Hilary in in 2016, quickly found source from 2016. They shouldn’t be trying to court Republicans, they should be trying to motivate people with real progress. The reason Hilary lost was because people are sick of establishment politicians and she was the embodiment of that establishment.

    People are sick and tired of having 2 bad choices and nothing else.