A brief timeline of the events leading up to this drama:

(screenshots taken from the public malefashionadvice discord)

This brings us to today, when Reddit admins put out a request for new MFA mods.

Most of the comments are not welcoming to the call for moderators:

Some users responded to the call, but were met with criticism.

Some other goodies:

  • The MFA Wiki has a big link to the discord at the top. (see update 1 below). The Wiki history page shows that the discord link was added to the Wiki, then removed by the admins, then re-added by the same user.

  • The default comment sort for MFA is now controversial.

Update 1: admins have rolled back the Wiki by 3 years because of the discord link added.

Update 2: several comments that responded negatively to mod applications in the thread, such as the “only rats cross the line” comment linked above in this post, have been removed by admins.
