• Melonius [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    It’s really strange, I thought the alt right playbook vids were being overdramatic with the Nazi bar syndrome. I can’t tell if the concern trollers are unintentionally libbing out or just fascists doing their job to prevent any sort of left unity. Same thing maybe.

    I don’t want to insult anyone by calling them a bot or a bad actor, but I feel more safe posting here than over in their supposedly “less troll” instance.

    I think that response is weird. Feels like a nice pat on the back, “you see someone who’s a friend and is saying stuff that is good, but they’re bad, and you should cut them off. Also that’s a good sign that you have so many friends?” And an NPR podcast? Like it feels so on the nose I’m doubting reality

    • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      it’s supposedly a sign that your minitory group has truly taken hold in society

      Huge “I think the trans people have all the rights they need and are more than equal” vibes. 3 comments ever. Is funding the ko fi donations though, so maybe just a very poorly worded thing to say? I don’t think a right wing op would be donating to a pro trans blahaj lemmy instance as cover.

      • Melonius [he/him]@hexbear.net
        1 year ago

        Yeah it might be more simple than that. The horrible thing about propaganda is you don’t need to have ill intent or even understand it, you just need to repeat it and the damage is done.

        • AcidSmiley [she/her]@hexbear.net
          1 year ago

          idk about that, i’ve met a lot of trans people living stealth and not one of them was really happy with that, it’s something you do out of self preservation instinct or because you think you missed the chance to come out and now it would be weird or w/e and all of them worry about being clocked way too much and have that nagging feeling that they always have to act. What makes me happiest about having come out is particularly that i do not have to do that anymore, that i can be authentic and true to myself and i couldn’t do that if i would have to fake being a cis girl every time i clock in at work.

          Yeah, i get it, good passing is practical and the less you suffer from your reflection the better, i can relate to that even though i’m nowhere near “finished” - but here’s the thing, i don’t see anybody besides baby trans worry as much about this stuff as people who pass perfectly and are conventionally attractive as hell. And it’s not just - or at least not only - fishing for compliments, being a highly assimilated trans person correlates really fucking strongly with a lack of self acceptance in my experience. And i also see a very strong correlation between being a happy trans person and not giving a flying fuck about cisnormativity.

          The kind of lifestyle you’re describing is a trap. And i don’t mean “being done with medically transitioning and financially secure”, i know a ton of trans people who fall into that category and aren’t of the opinion that the cistem works for them, because it never works for us, even if we pass perfectly and have the right papers we still have to live in a society full of transphobes. And when they don’t know we’re around, they do not hold that back, either. I know way too many stories about experiences like that from trans people with good passing, especially when it comes to dating (that is not helped by putting “btw i’m trans” in your dating profile, all awful men seem to universally share the trait of never reading these). And if that’s not enough, you just have to look at any queer news source out there if you want to feel trampled upon. It’s inescapable how we as a group are treated even if oneself is very safe from that.

          The people who are like you describe have not arrived at their position for material reasons, as there is no actual material safety for trans people in our society. This isn’t like being gay where being rich and white enough means you don’t have to worry. This is “being rich means that i can make realistic plans to leave my home country and everyone i love if they come for us” material safety we’re talking about here. Yes, that’s a form of privilege, but in itself all these privileges, passing privilege, paperwork privilege, medical privilege, being able to bug out privilege are not enough to become the kind of person you’re describing. One of your examples had to flee across half the world from a targeted harassment campaign. You see awful takes from trans people who still boymode after years of HRT and think they can never come out without getting FFS first, you see good takes from trans people who can live off their patreon money and are working on their mainstream media career, and the latter doesn’t surprise me at all because even these people constantly get reminded where they’re coming from.

          The reason some trans people become awful pick mes is not exclusively, but largely false consciousness.

            • AcidSmiley [she/her]@hexbear.net
              1 year ago

              All of this is absolutely correct, trans people are at a massively increased risk of unemployment and homelesness, even in systems with comparably good healthcare being wealthy makes the difference between being gatekept and transitioning freely (and in most countries, for many people wealth is basically required for perfect passing because most places do not cover stuff like FFS even if they have public healthcare for HRT and bottom surgery) and all of these are factors that radicalize people and play a huge part of why so many trans people are anarchists or communists. They’re not the only factors, seeing that liberal democracy doesn’t give a shit about me would’ve definitely radicalized me as well if i wouldn’t have already been ML when coming out, but the combination of being trans and poor is pure revolutionary sentiment fuel, i can attest to that. I burn hot on most days.

        • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          Capitalist class interests will always override all others. It’s like…reverse intersectionality, where being bourgeoisie or petit bourgeoisie consumes all other aspects of a person.

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]@hexbear.net
          1 year ago

          100% this. We’re operating in fundamentally different and irreconciliable realities. We cannot both be right.i doubt most of them understand why we keep talking about history and theory and precedent, or trying to pull out citations and documents. That’s not how their world works.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      God we’re not even trolls. We’re not trying to provoke people so we can laugh at them. That’s not what dunking is. Dunking is absolutely sincerely telling people what shitheads they are. The idea that most of us are 100% sincere and we absolutely do believe the libs believe what they say and we absolutely do care about their beliefs, take their beliefs seriously, and accord their beliefs exactly as much respect as they deserve is beyond them.

      And ugh, fucking npr. I stopped listening years ago bc it was always “marketplace money”. Fuck npr, and the bill and melinda gates foundation.

      • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        The weirdest part about the whole “trolling to dunk” thing is they are the ones who come onto communist instances or attack communists on their own instances and make fools of themselves without any prompting.

        Though that’s probably why they’re so mad. The mere existence of communism is enough to have these libs go mask off and reveal their true colours, and they don’t like it.