I am actually cycling in the Czech Republic right now, but slept tonight about 20m over the border in Germany. Definitely feel now like this tour is coming to an end. Still a good week to go.

I’ve had the fries with fried cheese in the Czech Republic. They also didn’t salt the fries, like sometimes in Belgium, haha. The supermarkets along the border here in the ore mountains absolutely suck, they’re all some ‘duty free’ type shops for the Germans coming over the border to buy something cheap. Handbags, liquor, cigarettes, huge packs of Haribo. Was not able to find any joghurt for my müsli, so i will have a snickers for breakfast.

  • 14th_cylon
    1 year ago

    Also accidently bought orange sirup, thinking it was some czech lemonade

    it is over-sugared shit that people melt in the water in a rate of 1:50 or something to drink it. it is without a doubt most disgusting of the czech culinary habits.

    No prositutes, drugs and weapons in sight.

    these are mostly stories from 90s and 00s… if someone thinks there are weapons and drugs sold in the kiosk by the road and you have to fight your way through all the hookers to get to them, he should stop watching dubious tv and go outside sometimes 🤣