Invitation to the 8th Anniversary of Café Zapata Vive To those who fight and resist against the capitalist and patriarchal system

In February 2015, after having participated in the ‘World Festival of Resistance and Rebellions against Capitalism’, to which we were summoned by our brothers and sisters from the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, EZLN. From our spaces of social organization, UPREZ Benito Juárez, after a serious and deep reflection regarding the ‘Resistance and Rebellion against Capitalism’, we decided to add a grain of sand; that is to say, we launched a new initiative, the “Café Zapata Vive”, a space for Encounter, Resistance and Rebellion, a space open to solidarity and the accompaniment of many struggles, many resistances and many rebellions.

Various peoples, communities, collectives, organizations, networks, men and women have passed through this space, here they have found the opportunity to meet and meet again, to organize, to coordinate. With many others, we have managed to build initiatives, coordinate actions, listen to their anger and pain, and when possible, we also accompany their dignified and rebellious path.

Because we also recognize that without your accompaniment, without your approach to this space, without your being aware of the pressures exerted by bad governments on these spaces, it would not be possible to reach this, also, its 8th Anniversary…

For all this, we pay attention…


8th Anniversary of Café Zapata Vive

L@s we hope this February 25th from 16:00 hrs. Let’s celebrate joyful rebellion together, because neither the earthquakes nor the panemia managed to silence us, much less will the bad government do it.

Citation: Anthropologists 21 B (before 56), Col. Apatlaco. Iztapalapa / Cell. 5554537469 / email.:

Sincerely Zapata Lives, the Fight Continues! Alive they took them, alive we want them! Cafe Zapata Lives