The title itself is a recipe for disaster. Also this is a semi rant.

Yesterday I was informed that I will have the honour to implement the core functionality - which is an interface layer to use the driver of a very expensive hardware shit - of the software I’ve been working on as a frontend dev.

There are two possibilities for the language: C++ or C#. The one that was proposed/imposed is C#, which I know nothing of, while at least I have some hobbyist experience with C++; when asked if I could take some time to familiarise myself with C# I was basically laughed in the face, saying I will learn on the field and at least some of them have some experience with it.

Should I insist to go with C++, or is that an even worse idea in an already fucked up situation?

  • Treczoks
    1 year ago

    If I would complain about any new language or environment I’d be dropped in, I’d probably in the loony bin by now.

    Tell the team leader that you don’t know the language but are willing to learn, read the existing code which will give you a feel for the language, the project, and the local programming style, all in one go, and you should be fine. Imagine the backend was written in PL/I, Prolog, or LISP instead of just another ALGOL dialect ;-)