The idea of waxing my chains sounds really appealing, especially since I absolutely hate how dirty my chains get no matter how thorough, or often I clean them.

But I’ve heard that chains should be waxed often… like every 100 miles, which seems like a lot of work for not a lot of riding.

Is this true, assuming dry, clean riding conditions?

    1 year ago

    I use mucoff dry lube and wipe the chain and relube basically after every ride. It takes 30 seconds. If i ride through wet stuff or after 150km I will spin the chain in chain cleaner with warm water and soap dish, wait for it to dry and relube. I tried using heavier lubes, but I don’t like how hard is it to get them off to clean the chain thoroughly even if they usually last longer. Haven’t tried hot waxing, but on enduro it does not make sense and on gravel I like to get lost and ride through crap all the time, so I think it would piss me off to redo it every 400 km. ;]