I just got a new Garmin watch. I like it quite a bit. I love the weekly steps competition, it’s rather motivating for a numbers chaser like me. Any way does anyone have some cool tips or features to look out for? I’m trying to get this community a bit more active.

  • AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Mine is a couple of years old now, but I’m guessing you can still customize the face. Depending on what stats you like, you can find one that makes those more prominent.

  • mthx@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I don’t know if I can really think of 1 single killer feature. It’s been using Garmin for so long that the entire software package just feels pretty encompassing. I’m primarily just running and strength training.

    I started creating custom workouts for strength training this year and I love being able to follow along step by step with my preprogrammed strength routine right on my watch. No need to constantly check my phone for what’s next or what weight. I find it easiest to create these workouts using their website, though you can do it on mobile. You can also put specific weight numbers in, or % of your max. Great if your doing a cycle that you can reuse repeatedly without having to update each workout with new numbers each cycle.

  • Falcuz
    1 year ago

    These watches have an enormous amount of functions. You can try deep-diving all menu’s and see what you encounter. I would suggest to search for the watch on the website and YouTube page of DCRainmaker. He makes a lot of helpful guides. Additionally, check out the manual if you want to know everything (boring, but skimming can help a lot).