Details are still scant, but…

“I mean, he had a lot of ammunition in that house, and certainly … all of us were strapped, you know, with ammunition, and we were calling for additional ammunition,” Kraus said. “Like I said, we tried to give him every opportunity to come out.”

    …I’ll go way out on a limb and suggest that this could’ve been handled better.

  • kool_newt
    11 months ago

    Can’t fix the corruption - I don’t really have a good solution other than to tear out the police department root and stem…

    I want this but it’s not realistic. A combination of voting, running for office (even if not to win but to inject topics and move the Overton Window, if you win the purpose isn’t primarily to use the state to do good, but to pull the boot off our necks so we can organize more effectively), small-scale anarchism, dual-power, and mutual aid will be needed. Some may say some of these things contradict but they’ll probably tell you a full-on revolution with a few infighting leftists vs the world is the way. I don’t agree.

    and rebuild from nothing.

    Oh… :( Rebuild what? Another authoritarian force that for sure this time will behave?