“Roygbiv - Alphaquest Mix” was a remix done by BoC specially for someone called Andy Soosay’s student film. The track was leaked onto the net and is understood to be genuine. It’s longer than the original at 6:23. The mix begins with the track “Bocuma” in its entirety. It’s backed up by images of the actual DAT inlay which contains nuggets such as “Custom DIY job for Andy Soosay”, “Date Time: Thursday 15th May 1997”, “SOURCE: Brown source or tomato source” and “COMMENTS: Yeah, it’s pretty good”

  • Underwaterbob
    1 year ago

    Famously done with the Roland SH-101. And nearly single-handedly responsible for driving the price of used ones through the roof I imagine.

    At least Roland recently released the S-1, which is a near-perfect emulation of it if you really want that sound.