A childhood friend sold his business a year ago and bought a big yacht on the sound near where we both grew up. I also have a modest home nearby but nothing like his. For his birthday bash he pulled out all the stops, actually hiring some 90s rock celebs to be on his boat. I’m just kinda tired of the guy so I made up a white lie about being out of town. I wanted to spend the weekend relaxing with family and decompressing from a long hard work week. Anyway, his boat came by my place. He texted me a telephoto pic of me on my deck drinking a glass of wine. He called me an asshole for lying to him, and missing this “important” celebration. I’m just tired of him flaunting his wealth. Doesn’t seem like the guy I once knew, but I didn’t mean to hurt his feelings. AITH?

Edits: fixed typos

  • jamfyx@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    You could’ve been up front with your friend and I don’t see why you lied to him. Your friend bringing his boat to your house is creepy, and he definitely overstepped. Based on what you’ve described, I’d say ESH.