And then have no activity in them. Not quite sure why this is happening, is it power hungry idiots thinking if I make fifty magazines, maybe one will be popular?

Do people assume if they create a magazine, it becomes active as if by magic?

Or are people thinking this is similar to a new game of Pokémon, and they have to make all the magazines?

I find it baffling that those who have created many magazines are not active.

    1 year ago

    I honestly feel like this is slightly cynical, because I think it’s much more likely that someone was coming to a new platform and looking for a specific community that they enjoyed lurking on in the past. Once they got here and saw it wasn’t created, they created it themselves in the hope that other people (or maybe even themselves in the future) would work together to populate it with content. While this is not necessarily super helpful to building the community, it does have some value because someone now can come along and find a magazine with an audience already prepared for content, instead of having to build it themselves.