And then have no activity in them. Not quite sure why this is happening, is it power hungry idiots thinking if I make fifty magazines, maybe one will be popular?

Do people assume if they create a magazine, it becomes active as if by magic?

Or are people thinking this is similar to a new game of Pokémon, and they have to make all the magazines?

I find it baffling that those who have created many magazines are not active.

    1 year ago

    @Warped I think we have here a big potential issue. Magazines have been created and the moderator hasn’t post yet anything. After some days it is difficult to believe that she/he is taking responsibility of them.
    The result is that everyone can post there without any moderation, and become a quite unsafe area. I think if a magazine has been opened and in a few days there is not post of the moderator, it should be deleted.