• DroneRights [it/its]@hexbear.netOP
    1 year ago

    Thank you

    I’m active in plural spaces, or at least I used to be, and I saw a lot of arguments between sysmedicalists and endogenic systems. The sysmedicalists would say “The documented medical phenomenon of traumatic identity dissociation is the only way to become plural!” and the endogenics would say “We have a right to exist and plurality is not inherently a disorder!” And the funny thing is, a couple of times I joined communities run by sysmedicalists. And they would ask “Are you a traumagenic system or an endogenic system?” And I don’t have DID or OSDD or any other dissociative disorder, but I’d say yes. Because NPD is a plurality disorder, and those bigots never really thought about that. Nobody’s really thought about it. The idea has been picking up a little steam on r/NPD, but for the past two years I thought I was the only one who’d ever figured out NPD causes plurality. But when I introduce the idea to other narcissists, it makes perfect sense to them. Some discover they were repressing plurality, and some already knew they were plural and suddenly start being able to make sense of it.

    Plurality is when there’s more than one person in a single head. According to sysmedicalists, the only way for that to happen is a traumatic childhood experience that splits the identity into fragments. According to endogenics and their allies, it can also arise naturally or through effort. But I found a third way. Because a narcissist has 0 real people living in their head. They had to create a false persona to live as. And that persona is deeply malleable, and sometimes it’s destroyed and the narcissist has to rebuild it. And, anything you can do once, you might end up doing twice. So narcissists often end up creating fake people to co-exist in our heads. They’re just as real as the first one, because all of our identities are equally fake. But they are genuine, and they do think and feel and live.