This pretty much sums up the last couple days. Thankfully we have Beehaw and Mastodon.

  • kurcatovium
    1 year ago

    Twitter and Reddit, it’s the same story. Asshat on top who only thinks “bad people took OUR data” (and most importantly they took it for FREE). Data that users provided for free, as part of their conversations, data analysis, writing, sharing tips and tricks, informing of events, attention whoring, bragging, whatever reason they had to put it out there. Users content. Made by users for users in the first place. I mean… made for CEOs pleasure, obviously.

    Sure it’s probably stated somewhere in book-long EULA, that everything you post becomes property of the site, yet still… Great thinking for the future proofing those sites. This valuable data can go to hell when there won’t be people providing them in the first place. I sincerely hope both Reddit and Twitter dies 'cause of this, although I doubt it will happen :-(