• Let me explain:

      So when the Minority Region is at War with the Nation state it “de Jure” belongs to

      Then THAT is the Imperialism. Serbia did Imperialism TO Kosovo … not Kosovo to Serbia … And Nato the intervene to Protect the Minority against the raging hate of the Majority) Same story with Ukriane , dont get confused … it is West Ukraine , that did the Imperialism TO the Russian Majority Eastern Ukraine

      • forbidding their media ,
      • forbidding Russian in Adminsitration Use ,
      • Forbidding the Consume of Russian Media,
      • othering them “Orcs” / Vatnik / Russian / Occupiers.
      • Burning them In Odessa
      • Bombarding them
      • Proudly proclaim you want to Cleanse them when you “retake the territories”

      Russia protects Its Minority from Racial Persecution by a Faschist Regime. No Imperialism.

      This is a Anti imperialsit Global war , You lack the Expertise to understand that , it is no problem … BRICS 11 , Africa , Saudia Arabia , India , Latin America , Turkey , Eagypt , Iran all Understand it perfectly… on the Street of Niamey , Quagadgou and Bamako , they all understand it. its only your Tiny Minority in the West that still have not figured out that 2014 comes chronologically before 2022. its a Fascinating Phenomenon… Maybe its the Vitamen D deficit they have in the West ? maybe thats makes “the West” so collectivly unable to understand , basic physical concepts like “CHRONOLGY” … and “CAUSE AND EFFECT”

        • The problem with the theory that Russia only invaded to pre-empt a Ukrainian invasion of the Donbass or to protect Russian-speaking minorities (and nothing else) is that the initial Russian push was, above all, towards Kyiv

          i dont accept this reasoning to protect your minority you try to topple the regime … ???

          If this was true, then why would Russia have committed so many documented atrocities in Russian-speaking areas during the invasion?

          name a specific one thats not "atrocity propaganda bullshit like "they aim Missile on Residential blocks and graveyards … etc… . Stop try to argue on the baseline of knowledge thats “American thats watch TV” , i now what they tell you on TV …

          Enemy Bad !.. Does bad things !.. We Godd .!. do good things !